Our Vision

ERA Minnesota’s goal is to achieve equal legal rights for all.

Our Story

Neither the Minnesota nor the U.S. Constitution specifically provide equal legal protection under the law regardless of sex and gender.

Minnesota’s first major victory in the fight for equal rights came in 1973, when we ratified the Federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), becoming the 26th state to ratify it.t.

Efforts to add the ERA to the U.S. Constitution stalled on June 30, 1982 as not enough states voted to ratify before the arbitrary time limit kicked in..

Minnesotans over the years and have not stopped pushing for equal rights.ERA Minnesota, founded in 2014, is the leading organization in Minnesota dedicated to advancing the ERA both statewide and nationally.

Our Mission

We are working to make equal legal rights for all a reality in Minnesota and in the United States of America.

Minnesota ERA

Our goal is to add an Equal Rights Amendment to the Minnesota Constitution through a ballot measure passed by popular vote.

Learn More 

Federal ERA

Our goal is to enact the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Learn More 

Get Involved

It’s been 100 years since women got the right to vote, but we still have not constitutionalized equal rights for all citizens of Minnesota or the United States.

Sometimes the fight seems exhausting, but we have no plans of stopping. We can’t do it alone. We need your help!

Donate to ERA Minnesota

Help make 2023 the year that equality passes the Legislature in Minnesota!







Who We Are

ERA Minnesota is an all-volunteer organization. Meet our leadership teams:

Executive Committee

Working Group

ERAMN Allies

Our allies are organizations, companies, places of worship, and other groups that support equal rights for all people.

AAUW – Minneapolis
Kids at Risk Action
Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
Minnesota Move To Amend
ERA Coalition
ERA Action​

Save the Date

Show up for ERA on International Women's Day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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