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#Day1forERA Rally – Jan 31 ’22

#Day1forERA Rally – Jan 31 ’22

PRESS ADVISORY   For Immediate Release Contact: Suzann Willhite  (612) 554-4008                Betty Folliard  (612) 868-3511January 24, 2022ERAMN Announces #Day1forERA RallySaint Paul –  ERA Minnesota (ERAMN, is holding a huge rally called #Day1forERA on Monday, January 31, 2022, at 11am in the Mi […]

Rally 4 ERA – Women’s Equality Day – US Supreme Court

​PRESS ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThursday, August 19, 2021CONTACT: Betty Folliard,, (612) 868-3511Heather Allison,, (651) 214-1702 ERA Minnesota Sends Delegation to Top National Women’s Rights #Rally4ERA in DC on Women’s Equality DaySAINT PAUL – On Women’s Equality Day, August 26th, ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) will join delegations from across the country for the #Rally4ERA taking place in fr […]

Silent Sentinels Are Back!

Silent Sentinels Are Back!

Silent Sentinels Are Back!by Betty Folliard One would have thought after the #WomensMarch, #TimesUp, and #MeToo movements, coupled with women’s dominance in the polls last November ushering in new national leadership, that the wind was finally at our backs to certify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.But no.Citizens are suffering for the lack of constitutional equality. The emergency nature of gender discrimination demonstrates that it is […]

Silent Sentinels Are Back!

ERA Minnesota Sends Silent Sentinels to Stand Vigil at the DOJ, June 28-30

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Monday, June 14, 2021CONTACTS:  Heather Allison,, BettyFolliard, ERA Minnesota Sends Silent Sentinels to Stand Vigil at the DOJ, June 28-30SAINT PAUL – On June 28-30, 2021, ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) will be sending a delegation of activists to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Equal Means Equal Silent Sentinel Protest Vigil in front of the U.S. Department of Justice.ERAMN de […]

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 17, 2021US House Passes HJ Res 17!  Washington, D.C.: Today the US House passed a joint resolution to remove the arbitrary and capricious time limit on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) with a bipartisan vote of 222-204.”This is a historic moment for our country,” said Betty Folliard, President Emeritus of ERA Minnesota.  “Today’s US House ERA vote signals an inflection point, recognizing that women were intentionally left out of the Con […]

House Vote Watch Party

by Betty FolliardOur national partners ERA Coalition will host a live celebration and watch party for the upcoming House vote, this WEDNESDAY (3/17)!  The debate starts at 2:30 PM CT—–Vote at 3:30 PM CT.They’ll start the conversation before the floor speeches begin, and then we can watch the floor speeches. Afterwards we’re invited to join in on the celebration, featuring some special guests, coalition members, and elected officials. You can watch the full livestream on E […]

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

Rules Committee meeting on HJ Res 17- Tuesday (3/16/21) at 11:00 a.m

Dear ERA Coalition Lead Organizations and Advocates, Welcome to House vote week! I am writing to share some important resources and updates with you as we all prepare for this week’s exciting events. Take Action with our House Vote Share Kit! In advance of the House vote we want to make sure that the members of Congress are hearing from us that we want them to vote for HJ Res 17 when it is on the floor. Please use, and widely share, our share kit with graphics and posts. I&r […]

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

HJRes17 – Remove the time limit

By Betty FolliardERA Members – I have good news and bad news:First the good news: You may have seen info I shared on social media regarding the intention of the US Speaker of the House to bring up HJRes17 – Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s bill to remove the extra-textual time limit on the ERA – next week!  The plan is to hear it on Monday 3/15, if nothing else interferes, as that day is RBG’s birthday. And to our advantage, because the US House has a rule that […]

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

Bills to Remove Time Limit are Priority

Fabulous News! Progress toward equality just got a whole lot closer, with bipartisan co-sponsors having introduced ERA bills as “Day 1 Bills” in both the US House & the US Senate!What this means is that these bills to remove the extra-textual time limit imposed on the ERA just became priority bills in both houses.We now have a pro-equality President, a pro-equality US House, and a pro-equality US Senate. Equality of rights under the law I have never been closer.Meanwhile, ou […]

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

Women in Politics

Great article in MinnPost about women in politics… A big finding of University of Virginia professor Jennifer Lawless’ work is that when women run for office they are just as likely as men to win their races. The offset is that they are so much less likely to run.  [Read More] […]

ERA Presentation

This is a recorded Zoom presentation that Betty Folliard did for the Minneapolis AAUW. Watch ERA Presentation […]

US House passes resolution to remove the ERA deadline!

ERA Litigation Draws Heavy Hitters for Equality for All

ST PAUL, July 2, 2020 – ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) is proud to join an amicus brief on behalf of a national coalition of over 50 women’s rights organizations to impel the US Archivist to certify the now-ratified Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amicus brief was filed on behalf of ERA Coalition, a national coalition of 76 member organizations of which ERA Minnesota is a Lead Organization, advocating for state and federal constitutional amendments to guara […]


Equality has no qualifiers.

Save the Date

Show up for ERA on International Women's Day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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