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Big thanks to Rally Supporters for Forward Together: Rally for Equal Rights Jan 14, 2025
President Biden: Why Are Women Waiting for Equality? From League of Women Voters
EVENT Jan 14: Forward Together: Rally for Equal Rights at the State Capitol
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ERAMN on MPR Tues. July 2 at 11!
ERAMN on MPR Tomorrow at 11!ERAMN Founder Betty Folliard & Representative Kaohly Her will be on MPR News with Angela Davis tomorrow – TUESDAY, July 2 – at 11 AM talking about the #EqualRightsAmendment.To join the #ERA discussion. Call in to 651-227-6000.7/3/19 UPDATE: Hear the recorded show HERE. […]
US Congress to hear ERA Bill!
BIG NEWS! The US House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler has called the first official hearing in the House Judiciary Committee on the Equal Rights Amendment- HJRes38 (which corresponds to Rena Moran’s HF71) to be held on Tuesday, April 30th.This is the 1st time in 36 years that the ERA will be discussed in Congress! And we look forward to the MN House airing of Rena’s bill. […]
1 Minute Effort for Federal ERA
ACTION ALERT: 1-MINUTE EFFORTClick below to send a clear message to your US Senators & Congress Member to sign onto #ERA ”Delete the Deadline” Resolutions‼️SJRes6: Sponsor Senator Cardin seems to be taking a balanced approach to co-sponsors. So far there’s himself (D), 2 R’s, & 1 I on the bill. Both Klobuchar & Smith signed on last Session, and should get on this year.H.J.Res.38: Here in MN, thus far only Craig, Omar & McCollum are signed on. […]
No Joke: Senators to Convene ‘Senate Committee on Banned Bills’ on April 1st
PRESS RELEASE from the Senate DFL CaucusCommittee to Review Bills Barred from Senate HearingsSen. Little to Chair; Sen. Franzen, Vice Chair; St. Paul, MN –“These bills could save many lives and tax dollars,” Sen. Little (DFL-Lakeville) previewed, “But they haven’t been given a single senate hearing. Our democracy isn’t supposed to work this way- it’s the worst kind of partisanship.” The fictitious ‘Senate Committee on Banned […]
“Delete the Deadline” Resolution
This has been a banner month for the federal Equal Rights Amendment: 18 more House members have signed on to H.J.Res.38 to remove the deadline on the federal ERA, bringing the total number of supporters to 174. Also, since the February introduction, two more Senators signed on to S.J.Res 6, the companion bill. In the Senate, what’s extraordinary about S.J.Res.6 is that two of its co-sponsors, Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) & Susan Collins (R-ME) […]
Tell Us Why Minnesota Needs the ERA
ERA Minnesota (ERA MN) is asking people throughout Minnesota to create short videos to help spread the word on social media why they support the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Whenever ERA MN talks to people around Minnesota, whether it’s up on the Range, down in southern Minnesota, or in the Twin Cities they tell us how much they want to live in a state that embraces gender equality. ERA MN has been advocating for legislation at the State Capital that would put the amendment on the b […]
Top MN Leaders Speak Up For The ERA on International Women’s Day!
Next Friday, March 8th, ERA Minnesota announces our celebration of International Women’s Day #IWD2019 by hosting the 3rd Annual ERA Rally at the Minnesota Capitol Rotunda. The event will feature Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan along with top legislative leaders and ERA supporters, to spotlight the urgent need for an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in our state and federal constitutions.Legislative leaders and thousands of activists from across the state are pushing […]
State bills pushing ERA could stall
By: Kevin Featherly | Minnesota Lawyer February 7, 2019 Two bills pushing women’s Equal Rights Amendments in both the state and U.S. constitutions are on the march in the Minnesota House.Both face skepticism from GOP lawmakers and a few constitutional experts, but for now they are on an upward trajectory.House File 13 comes from Rep. Mary Kunesh-Podein, DFL-New Brighton. It has 26 DFL co-sponsors and cleared a committee hurdle on Jan. 24, wh […]
What? Women Pay More Than Men for Auto Insurance? (Yup.)
This is an interesting and eye opening article from the PEW Research Center about women paying more for auto insurance — and no one is telling why.STATELINE ARTICLE: PEW February 11, 2019By: Elaine S. Povich Topics: Demographics & Transportation Read time: 6 minIt’s a widespread belief that men pay more for automobile insurance than women. But that’s only true for young adults.Several studies in 2018 and 2017 revealed that women […]
Minnesota ERA bill HF13 clears another hurdle on its way through the House!
We are excited to announce the Minnesota ERA bill HF13 (Rep. Kunesh-Podein) passed the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law committee today, Wednesday, February 20th, with a roll call vote of 8-7! Testimony in support of the bill was given by Dr. Ellen Kennedy (World Without Genocide & Mitchell Hamline School of Law) and Representative Kristen Bahner. Additional testimony in support of the bill was given by Kathleen Murphy (Vice President ERA Minnesota) and Brad Lehto (Minne […]
Why we fight for a National ERA
The reason ERAMN fights for the National ERA is because a State ERA will not protect us where there are claims of discrimination by federal agencies, institutions which receive federal funds, or claims against a multi-state private entity. In cases where a discrimination case is made against a federal agency, an institution which receives federal funds, or a multi-state private entity, cases will either be brought in federal court or have the federal constitution applied in state courts.&nb […]
Minnesota ERA Working Its Way Through the MN House
Minnesota ERA Working Its Way Through the MN HouseSt. Paul, MN, February 6, 2019 – The Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment (HF13 Kunesh-Podein) cleared the House State Government Finance committee this morning by a 9-4 roll call vote. The legislation would place the amendment on the statewide ballot in 2020 asking Minnesotans to add the following language “Equality under the law shall not be abridged or denied on account of gender” to the state constitution. “Having thes […]