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Ground Hog Day Event! Feb 2, 2019

Ground Hog Day Event! Feb 2, 2019

Fund & Awareness raising event!  This Saturday, February 2 from 1 – 4 pm.  at the Hook & Ladder Theater & Lounge.Help us celebrate the passing of HF13 (the Equal Rights Amendment) through the Government Operations Committee!  And come learn more about the ERA. We have great entertainment and a great silent auction and raffle.  Along with a viewing of the powerful short film (25 min) Legalize Equality.More info can be found on our Events page. […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

[St. Paul, MN, January 25, 2019]​At a historic hearing Thursday, February 24th, the House Government Operations Committee voted to pass out of committee the Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) (HF13 authored by Representative Mary Kunesh-Podein) and the Resolution to Congress to remove the deadline on the national ERA (HF71 authored by Representative Rena Moran). This is the first time the ERA has been heard and moved forward in the House since 1983. The state a […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

The ERA is in the House!

PRESS Release:  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   January 24, 2019Contact:   Heather Allison (651) 214-1702                    Betty Folliard  (612) 868-3511                The ERA is in the House                   S […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

Federal ERA News!

by Betty Folliard​Lots of good news at the federal level: Virginia continues their march to ratify the federal ERA with action days at the capitol there. To date the VA Senate passed the ERA bill and currently it is on hold in the General Assembly there awaiting a hearing. Arizona, Missouri, North Carolina and Georgia all have pushes to become the 38th state in the nation to ratify the federal ERA as well. And our national coalitions – ERA Coalition, ERA Action, Equal Means Equal etc – are […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

Brand New Day for the ERA

PRESS ADVISORY: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:January 18, 2019Contact: Heather Allison (651) 214-1702,                 Betty Folliard (612) 868-3511, Brand New Day for the ERAST PAUL, MINN–ERA Minnesota (ERAMN is thrilled to announce that for the first time in decades the Minnesota House will hold hearings on Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) bills next Thursday January 24th, 2019 in the Sta […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

ERAMN Announces Digital Ad Campaign!

By Heather AllisonPresident ERA Minnesota​ERA MN in coalition with MN NOW is excited to announce the next phase of our fall outreach campaign to convince Legislative candidates to support putting an equal rights amendment to Minnesota’s Constitution on the ballot in 2020 as well as raising awareness of the continued effort for national ratification.Our digital campaign will target key areas around Minnesota with ads encouraging people to support passin […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

Billboard #2!

Billboard UPDATE!ERA billboards are popping up across Minnesota!ERA MN in coalition with MN NOW are excited to announce the second billboard in their ERA billboard campaign! This billboard, as pictured above, can be found on Highway 10 just south of Elk River. The billboard campaign was created to raise awareness and educate about the need for an Equal Rights Amendment to be included in the Minnes […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

ERAMN actions of a ratified state; ERA Minnesota Report as presented on National ERA Conference Call ‘THE CALL’ 6.24.18

By Betty Folliard, Founder ERAMN​​I. Background of ERAMNA. I started ERA Minnesota in 2014 after we successfully passed WESA – The Minnesota Women’s Economic Security Act – thru our legislature, putting Minnesota on the forefront of workplace protections for women. B. To amplify our voice nationally on this topic, I searched the Internet and discovered there was a Rally for Equality in DC that September. So I raised the monies neede […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

A Need for Safe Places (Pride)

by Samantha Faye KingWe have come a long way since the infamous Stonewall riots of June 1969. All the way through the 60’s homosexual activity was not only looked down upon but completely illegal. This is what led to the need for safe spaces and eventual rise of activism. The first pride marches took place exactly one year after the Stone Wall riots on June 28th, 1970 in places such as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. Slowly but surely laws began to change, homosexuality became l […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA

The ERA Billboard is now up!  What do you think?

How great is this?!  This is the first ERA Billboard and it’s up along I-94 south of St. Cloud, there will be another going up in July on Hwy 10.  We would love to put more billboards up around town but need money to do it.  Each billboard costs about $3,000.  Can you help?  $100?  $50?  Even $10 would be great!  If YES – please go to our Go Fund Me page.   [more detailed info below]​We’ll soon have a post on our FB pa […]

House Committee Takes Historic Step Towards Passing Minnesota ERA


By ERAMN Founder Betty Folliard​ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) is proud to announce that the Equal Rights Amendment just moved closer to final passage after the Illinois Legislature ratified the measure, becoming the 37th state in the nation to do so.Now only one final state is needed to reach the ¾ threshold for ratification into the U.S. Constitution. Most likely to succeed may be North Carolina whose legislature ends in June.The ERA is a hundred-year battle similar to the struggle fo […]


Equality has no qualifiers.

Save the Date

Show up for ERA on International Women's Day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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