We’re thrilled to announce that ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) will have a strong presence at the National NOW Conference which is coming here on Friday July 19-21.
Join us there by registering HERE: https://now.org/conference/
On Friday 7/19, at 10:45 AM, ERAMN will have our “ERA 2020: The Minnesota Model” Workshop presented by ERA federal legislation chief author Rep. Rena Moran, and ERAMN’s Betty Folliard & Patty McDonald.
The Topic: What can a ratified state do to take the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) over the Finish Line? And what actions can a state without a state ERA do to advance the ERA?ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) aims to “Educate, Agitate & Activate” a sleeping electorate to finally pass the ERA. Because our greatest barrier to ratifying the ERA is education, we’ve devised a two-pronged approach aimed at garnering state & federal ERA’s to finally achieve the goal of legalizing equality. Minnesota state ERA approach embraces intersectional language to ensure inclusivity of ALL into our state constitution; and we composed a Resolution to Congress to “Delete the Deadline” on the ERA that directly aligns with ERA bills in Congress. This workshop will provide cutting-edge multi-media illustrations & specific actions to advance both state & federal ERA’s – through the use of billboards, city & county resolutions, print/media coverage, focus ads, targeted districts, house parties, etc. – to roust the sleeping public. It is designed to motivate and to encourage cross-pollination of ideas so together we will make equal legal in 2020.
On Saturday 7/20, ERAMN President Emeritus Betty Folliard will give her Plenary speech to the conference on ERA entitled”Bold Vision: ERA2020”.
ERAMN will also be tabling on all three days, so if you’d like to volunteer, send us an email at heather@eramn.org.