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Ten Simple Ways to Help Pass the ERA in Minnesota

Here are 10 simple things you can do to make a difference and help work towards legal equality for all. Join ERA Minnesota Join our coalition of volunteers, donors, and organizations to help educate and advocate for the ERA Contact Your Legislators Call, email, write...

Contact Your Legislator

Contact your state senator and representative and ask them to vote in favor of both the Minnesota State ERA Bill and the Federal ERA Resolution this year.

Call to Action: Help Pass the ERA in 2023!

Call to Action: Help Pass the ERA in 2023!

100 years is too long to wait – call, write, or email the Minnesota Speaker of the House and Minnesota Senate Majority Leader to let them know we need the State Equal Rights Amendment passed in 2023!

Call to Action: Help Pass the ERA in 2023!

Women’s equality is in retreat unless we act

We need to keep moving Betty Folliard  (as posted in the StarTribune August 23)Another Women’s Equality Day will come and go Aug. 26, and still no equality for women is in sight.What have we seen? The regression of our rights.And what actions toward equality of rights for every citizen have been taken to move our state and country toward a more perfect union? At the state level, not a whole heap.​In the Minnesota House, early action took place this past session to pass […]


Equality has no qualifiers.

Save the Date

Show up for ERA on International Women's Day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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