Ten Simple Ways to Help Pass the ERA in Minnesota

February 28, 2023
Here are 10 simple things you can do to make a difference and help work towards legal equality for all. Join ERA Minnesota Join our coalition of volunteers, donors, and […]

Here are 10 simple things you can do to make a difference and help work towards legal equality for all.

  1. Join ERA Minnesota
    Join our coalition of volunteers, donors, and organizations to help educate and advocate for the ERA
  2. Contact Your Legislators
    Call, email, write to, or visit your state senator and representative to ask them to pass the Equal Rights Amendment bill in Minnesota.
  3. Write a Letter to the Editor
    Share your passion with your community by writing letters to local newspapers.
  4. Become a Volunteer
    Volunteers are an integral part of our organization and the keys to our grassroots activism.
  5. Spread the Word
    Make sure your friends and family know that we still need to pass the ERA in Minnesota and federally.
  6. Attend Events
    Check for upcoming events hosted by us or our allies and show up to support the cause.
  7. Host an Event
    Get your community involved in ERAMN by setting up an educational event.
  8. Pass a Resolution
    Encourage your community organizations to pass a formal resolution in support of the ERA.
  9. Subscribe & Follow
    Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on your preferred social media channels.
  10. Make a Donation
    Financial contributions make our outreach, lobbying, and education efforts possible.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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