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Big thanks to Rally Supporters for Forward Together: Rally for Equal Rights Jan 14, 2025
President Biden: Why Are Women Waiting for Equality? From League of Women Voters
EVENT Jan 14: Forward Together: Rally for Equal Rights at the State Capitol
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Take Action!
ERAMN is a partner with the ERA Coalition, which was founded in 2014 as a national organization to bring concerted organized action to the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Comprising more than 120 partner and supporter organizations across the country, the ERA Coalition provides education on, and advocacy for, Constitutional equality. ERA Coalition Announces First Slate of Federal Candidates with ERA Certification Stamp of Approval.Go to ERA Coalition “Elect Equality” […]
Vote for Equality
Minnesota Primary Elections are open until August 9th Get ready, get informed and VOTE!Go to the MN Secretary of State Website to view your sample ballot: to the League of Women Voters (LWV) website for nonpartisan voting information: to LWV for your personalized Voting Guide and Candidate Information: to show our ele […]
ERA Progress Report
Here’s a happy ERA progress report:On Friday, July 1, the New York State Legislature passed their state ERA Bill. It is very expansive and includes many groups and abortion access. NY ratification process requires the bill to pass through 2 Legislatures then go onto the ballot; that could happen in either 2023 or 2024, though activists hope for 2024 because of the greater reach. Here’s the bill: Nevada […]
March on the Capitol
March on the Capitol! Sunday July 17 @ 11 – 3.ERA MN is partnering with UnRestrict MN and their Coalition, Women’s March MN, and Planned Parenthood North Central States as a co-sponsor to Our Future: March for Abortion Access on Sunday, July 17th from 11:00 to 3:00 PM at the State Capitol. There will be a march to the capitol, a rally with speakers and performers, and a tabling event on the lawn. Join Us and other like minded folks to speak up for Abortion […]
Roe v Wade Overturned!
Roe v Wade Overturned! 50 years of rights lost! Washington, D.C. – Following the news that the United States Supreme Court has overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in deciding Dobbs v. Jackson – Women’s Health Organization, ERA Coalition and Fund for Women’s Equality President and CEO Zakiya Thomas released the following statement:“Today is truly a turning point for the civil rights of everyone in this country. Upending establishe […]
Senate ERA Vote
Sandy Pappas called a vote on SF323 “Equality under the law shall not be abridged or denied on account of sex” and here it is: This was a move to get SF323 out of committee to the Senate General Orders and bypass a committee hearing. With a Republican majority, they are not holding hearings on any ERA bills so this is one way to try to move it forward. AND it gets them on the record with a vote yea or nay (see image or below).There is still a chance to get other ERA bills h […]
March 8 Sucess!
International Women’s Day Event on March 8, 2022 was a huge success. There were speakers and the presentation of the petition. See videos below: […]
Give us a Vote on the ERA!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 8, 2022Contact: Suzann Willhite: suzann@eramn.orgMinnesotans: Give us a vote on the Equal Rights AmendmentPetition delivered to Senate Leaders by Coach Cheryl ReeveSaint Paul, MN – Today, on International Women’s Day, Lynx Head Coach and General Manager Cheryl Reeve joined ERA Minnesota to deliver a petition to Senate Leaders asking that they place an Equal Rights Amendment before voters. The amendment to the State Constitution would make Minnesota the 27th […]
Legislative Update 3/3/22
House State Government Finance and ElectionsMarch 3, 2022 – 8:30:00 AM01:59 – HF726 (Bahner) Gender equality provided under law, and constitutional amendment proposed.34:14 – HF2026 (Hornstein) ERA; a resolution memorializing Congress to remove the extra-textual time limit for ratification of the amendment by the states.1:03:21 – HF2847 (Moran) Minnesota Statutes and Rules review required for compliance with Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution.1:19:19 – HF2863 (Dettmer) Big […]
Day1 for ERA was a Success!
On the first day of the 2022 Minnesota legislative session, over 200 ERA Activists gathered in the Capitol Rotunda to declare this Session the Equality Session.With signs, banners, and chants, folks from around the state celebrated Enactment Day of the federal Equal Rights Amendment and demanded that a state constitutional amendment be put to the voters this November.Top leaders spoke at the rally, including Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, Attorney General Keith Ellison, House Speaker Melissa Hortm […]
ERA Compliance Legislation – Press Conference
Streamed live on January 27, 2022. Press Conference:Senator Sandy Pappas, Rep Rena Moran, Rep Kristin Bahner, Angelica Klebsch (for AG Keigh Ellison), Betty Folliard and Suzann Whillhite of ERA MN – discuss the introduction of a bill to analyze Minnesota’s compliance with the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).It is believed by many that the ERA is now the 28th Amendment – as it has been 2 years since the 38th state ratified the ERA.Federal ERA states: Equality of rights under the law […]
Celebrate Jan 27th as Federal ERA Day!
Celebrate January 27th as Federal ERA Day BRIEFING ROOM Statement from President Biden on the Equal Rights AmendmentJANUARY 27, 2022 • STATEMENTS AND RELEASESToday, as the House announces a resolution on the Equal Rights Amendment, I once again want to express my support for the ERA loudly and clearly. I have been a strong supporter of the ERA ever since I first ran for the Senate as a 29-year-old. We must recognize the clear will of the American people an […]