Take Action!

August 2, 2022
ERAMN is a partner with the ERA Coalition, which was founded in 2014 as a national organization to bring concerted organized action to the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Comprising more than 120 partner and supporter organizations across the country, the ERA Coalition provides education on, and advocacy for, Constitutional equality. ERA Coalition Announces First Slate of Federal Candidates with ERA Certification Stamp of Approval.Go to ERA Coalition "Elect Equality"  [...]
ERAMN is a partner with the ERA Coalition, which was founded in 2014 as a national organization to bring concerted organized action to the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. 

Comprising more than 120 partner and supporter organizations across the country, the ERA Coalition provides education on, and advocacy for, Constitutional equality.
ERA Coalition Announces First Slate of Federal Candidates with ERA Certification Stamp of Approval.

Go to ERA Coalition “Elect Equality” webpage to see if Minnesota federal candidates support the ERA :  https://www.eracoalition.org/electequality

Go to ERA Coalition “Take Action” webpage to: 
1) Contact Senator Chuck Schumer to support the ERA.
2) Recognize the ERA as the 28th Amendment.

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Show up for ERA on International Women's Day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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