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March! in parades May 5 or 6, 2018

March! in parades May 5 or 6, 2018

Take Action – March! March in a parade this weekend!  We are participating in 2 great events this weekend — the Cinco de Mayo Parade (Saturday, May 5 @ 10 am)  and the May Day Parade (Sunday, May 6 @ 12 noon).  We would love it if you would join us marching in the parades! ​Contact Heather if you’d like to march.  Heather @ […]

Senator Kiffmeyer Fails to Deliver.

Senator Kiffmeyer Fails to Deliver.

My Visit to the State Capitol on International Women’s Day.By Maria S.I was at the Minnesota State Capitol on March 8th, International Women’s Day, to rally and lobby for the Equal Rights Amendment.  I happened to have a couple of minutes with my State Senator Mary Kiffmeyer.  When I asked her if she would support ERA she said that she did not support it and would not vote for it.  I was too shocked to even know what to say if she would have asked.For those who do not know, […]

ERA Rally at the Capitol on International Women’s Day!

ERA Rally at the Capitol on International Women’s Day!

ERA Rally at the Capitol on International Women’s Day!ERA MN and Women’s March MN thank you!!  Because of all of you we had a GREAT event at the Capitol yesterday!  We accomplished what we set out to do:100’s of you contacted your legislators to let them know you demand an ERA now!we had an energy filled rally — with great speakers from our legislature and partner organizations!many legislators — supporter and bill authors —  took time out to attend the rally and publicly show […]

March! in parades May 5 or 6, 2018

Meet at the Capitol…

We need a show of force on the first day of session (Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018) to let the legislators know we are here, we will be heard and we are not going away!  Meet us between 11 am – 1 pm — with the greatest show at noon — to let the legislature know we are here and the ERA must be an issue to take seriously.  We will hand out “welcome gifts” as reminders.Meet at the Capitol, second floor11:00 am – 1:00 pmWear your ERA shirt or wear green!​See you there! […]

Senator Kiffmeyer Fails to Deliver.

Virginia Votes Down Ratification

Yes, Virginia, we do need an ERA!by Renee CardarelleThis week, Virginia’s Senate Rules Committee voted against moving the ratification of the ERA out of committee and House Privileges and Elections Committee refused to vote on moving the bill out committee. According to Equal Means Equal the committee room was packed with ERA supporters who kept the pressure on legislators to vote on the ERA. Considerable delay tactics were used to prevent a vote, including lumping the bill in with other […]

Senator Kiffmeyer Fails to Deliver.

ERA MN’s Statement on Sexual Harassment

ERA Minnesota’s Statement on Sexual Harassment – November, 2017:ERA MN stands with the victims of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual assault and laud their courage in speaking out.  ERA MN is calling on perpetrators of sexual harassment to take responsibility and be held accountable. We call for them to be a part of changing the culture that has excused these behaviors, and the culture of imposing silence on the victims. ERA MN takes no position on resignations or ou […]

Senator Kiffmeyer Fails to Deliver.

Support ERA – Buy a T-Shirt!  Women & Unisex cuts  $20-$25

Buy a t-shirt!  Help support ERA MN financially and visually!We now have t-shirts in:Women’s Cut – Short Sleeve ($20)Women’s Cut – Long Sleeve ($25)Unises/ Men’s Cut – Short Sleeve ($20)Check out the store to order your’s now!FYI: No shipping at this time — pick up your shirt at the Carnitas & Beer Fundraiser or email to make arrangements. […]

Equal Means Equal: Film Screening on Women’s Equality Day!

Equal Means Equal: Film Screening on Women’s Equality Day!

“EQUAL MEANS EQUAL”Film Screening on Women’s Equality Day!DATE:                Saturday August 26, 2017TIME:                 7:00 PMPLACE:              Humphrey School of Public Affairs, 301 19th Ave. S., MplsDIRECTIONS:    h […]

March! in parades May 5 or 6, 2018

Take Action Day!  Support the 36 states that have ratified the ERA.

Take action today for #AllWomen and Girls to have guaranteed #EqualRights under the U.S. Constitution!The USA has failed to #RatifyERA and #CEDAW; women and girls are treated as chattel without guaranteed EqualRights. The body count increases daily. Enough is enough. It’s time to boycott the 14 states maliciously failing to ratify the #EqualRightsAmendment: AL, AR, AZ, FL, GA, IL, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, VA, and UT.  Economic sanctions + public p […]

Senator Kiffmeyer Fails to Deliver.

Jimmy Carter: Women’s Rights are Human Rights

Former President Jimmy Carter, a 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner, says discrimination and violence against women and girls is the number one human rights violation in the U.S. and the world. He spoke March 6, 2015 in Minneapolis at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum sponsored by Augsburg College. His book is titled, “A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence and Power.”Q/A moderated by Monica McWilliams, former chief commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. Audio Interview […]


Equality has no qualifiers.

Save the Date

Show up for ERA on International Women's Day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
at the Minnesota State Capitol

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