The MN Senate left the ERA on the table after a strange last day of session. One action you can do now is Call Gov Walz and demand he call a special session to specifically pass the ERA. (651) 201-3400.
Come watch the last day of the ERA session! ERA needs to pass MN Senate today because it’s the last day of Legislative Session at midnight. The Capitol is open now. Enter at lower front doors. Sunday, May 19th. SHOW UP! WEAR GREEN or WHITE! Not able to join us in...
Capitol Action TODAY in front of the House chamber Saturday, May 18th. Time: 10:30 AM SHOW UP! WEAR GREEN or WHITE! For those who plan to stick around and watch from the gallery on Saturday,18 May, 2024, we have reserved Cass Gilbert Room 317A, 10am-1pm for Saturday...
Come tomorrow (Friday May 17) at 10:30 AM in front of the House Chamber to greet legislators as they come in and then head to the gallery where they can see a sea of green. Profound thanks to everyone who showed up yesterday and on Monday! Our presence and...
SF37 ERA Bill is up for a vote in House Floor Session vote on Wednesday, May 15th. Time 11:00 AM. We need you! We need you now! We need maximum ERA support at the Capitol on on Wednesday. The anti-ERAs filibustered the Junk Fees Bill to keep the ERA off the floor last...