… Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, Brennan Center’s Women and Democracy Fellow, noted that the ERA would empower Congress “to enforce gender equity through legislation and, more generally, the creation of a social framework to formally acknowledge systemic biases that...
Press Release For Immediate Release: May 20, 2024 Contact: Betty Folliard betty.folliard@gmail.com 612-868-3511 Curtis Johnson Curtisrjohnson@hotmail.com (651) 983-0515 Saint Paul – ERA Minnesota (ERAMN) is calling on Governor Tim Walz to open an immediate Special...
The MN Senate left the ERA on the table after a strange last day of session. One action you can do now is Call Gov Walz and demand he call a special session to specifically pass the ERA. (651) 201-3400.
Come watch the last day of the ERA session! ERA needs to pass MN Senate today because it’s the last day of Legislative Session at midnight. The Capitol is open now. Enter at lower front doors. Sunday, May 19th. SHOW UP! WEAR GREEN or WHITE! Not able to join us in...